Thursday, July 27, 2006

Medical Malpractice

Before I start to tell you about medical malpractice lawyers in New York and other locations, I want to take a look at the word ‘malpractice’: What does this word mean actually? When I look up a dictionary I read the following:

“Improper or negligent treatment of a patient, as by a physician, resulting in injury, damage, or loss.Improper or unethical conduct by the holder of a professional or official position.The act or an instance of improper practice.”

With these definitions at hand we can get a pretty clear image of what we mean by the term ‘malpractice’. In this article I will focus on medical malpractice which is defined in the first sentence of the definition above. The keywords here are ‘improper or negligent treatment’ of a patient done by a physician where the consequences for the patient are ‘injury, damage or loss’. If we blend this definition of medical malpractice with a legal element, it won’t take long before you understand the role of a medical malpractice lawyer or attorney.

The role of the medical malpractice lawyers in New York and other areas in the country is to deal with the medical professionals who does harm to their customers due to negligence and other acts. If you find that a medical professional is not performing his duty according to the set standards then you can very well file a case against him using the medical malpractice lawyers. You may find that their negligence has harmed you or your loved ones in some way or the other. In such cases you can very well approach a medical malpractice lawyer and these lawyers are there to get you the compensation required whether financial or other.

Harm to the patients occurs across the country even by the medical professionals. This is done mostly due to the negligence or a careless attitude towards their patient. It is their duty to attend their patients sincerely. If they fail to do so they can be sued with the help of lawyers and attorneys available for this purpose.

Websites like provides a list of medical malpractice lawyers in New York. You can use this list to find the law office that is near your locality. Check out the internet for websites that will give you the cities in the New York state that has an attorney or a lawyer who can deal with medical malpractice. After you select the city from the list, you will be prompted to select the area code. Upon selecting the area code you are displayed a list of attorneys and law office that are ready to serve you in that locality. For example in the New York city if you select the area code as 212 then you are displayed a list like Stephen Reich, J.D., Ph.D., Ginsberg & Broome, P.C., Leav & Steinberg, L.L.P., etc. You can choose an attorney or lawyer from this list for you case and consultation.